Rock inspiration

posted in: Creations EN | 0

Even though winter season is still on, it’s worth to prepare oneself for the first spring rays of sunshine, at least when it comes to regarding our wardrobe. The springtime is always connected with jeans and one of the timeless fabric patterns like grid. It can be printed in the great variety of graphic versions and therefore might be used in different stylings and outfits, classy or rebel as well.   

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Today we would like to present Beata, who is very open minded, flexible and humble person. She is slim, tall woman and we suggested her wearing casual, midi shirt dress. Flared, asymmetric cut helps to maintain body proportions. It’s worth to pay attention to the kind of fabric that this dress is made of. Such light viscose with red-black grid motif doesn’t limit body movements, so our model can feel free, regardless of button fastening throughout the dress length. Adjusted top and fabric-made waist belt underline slim silhouette of our model and add some feminine charm. Shirt cut of the dress is good for women with boyish silhouette and those with slightly too big curves, as it helps to hide all body imperfections.

Such outfit doesn’t require much styling, it’s universal and it refers to classy, comfortable solutions. We should pay attention to choose the proper shoes. We’ve chosen white sneakers, but classy ballet flats would be the great choice as well. Shirt, grid pattern dress combines casual style with some elegance, so it’s a perfect idea for the work outfit or just casual styling, which perfectly combines the classic, timeless fashion style with nowness.
